Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sorry that it's been a while- I've been so busy and sick! Well, not really much has happened since I last posted.

My birthday's in two weeks and I'm very excited! That should be fun- and...interesting

So this Friday was "Remembrance Day", and there was a huge ceremony. There was a guest speaker that talked about his experiences with some of the wars he was in. Also, there was a musician from some supposedly famous band called "McGinty" or something. Some of Sandbox`s friends were carrying wreaths, a Canadian flag, and a Nova Scotian flag. They processed into the gymnasium along with some girls who read some poems to the assembly.

This whole ceremony took about an hour and a half. They made us wear these poppy flowers on our left boobs, and It poked my like eight times. It was so annoying!

Anyway- that week was finally over! But I was still hung-up about my presentation for my book report. I was so bad! I really sucked! I could not say "judicial" and I literally spent like a minute trying to pronounce that word right. I never did, so I just decided to move on because it would've taken forever to try and fully say that word.

I've been sick this week, pretty much; and I still kinda am. It sucks because I can never get the gunk out of my sinuses, and I've been freezing all week long because of my cold or whatever it is.

I was really shocked yesterday because it snowed for the first time here, and now it's been snowing since yesterday afternoon. It's like maybe 4 inches, and very white!
Anyway...that's about all that's been happening these past few weeks, but I'll try to post more.

I've just been so busy! Or congested, or whatever! I've been occupied. Any who...

- Easel out!


Goo said...

Sorry you're not feeling well, honey. The rage around here for persistent sinus trouble is to use a little watercan to pour salt water through your sinuses in order to clean them out. I've never tried it, but I know lots of people who do it daily.

Anonymous said...

If it's giving you headaches, massaging your cheekbones and forehead can help, too.

jaz said...

I am a fan of a warm washrag draped across the sinus area. It doesn't do anything for the congestion, but eases the discomfort. Oyster loves vic's vapor rub--strange child.

Hope you get to feeling better before your birthday.

Chillax said...

Jalapeno peppers always open my sinuses up.

-Chillax out!

polio said...

sit in the bathroom with the shower running at the hottest possible temperature. the humidity will make you feel way better in the nosal region.

LIT said...

Well, we seem to have a family full of medical practitioners---unlicensced. I will not stoop to that.

However, I can offer this for one of your problems. jew-DISH-ul. How's that for a mental picture for pronunciation?

So, what was the book your report was about?

One favor, I ask. Either change the background for your blog to a more neutral tone, or change the text to black. It would be kinder to your readers though I know purple is a very hip teen color. Right now it's rather painful.

Be well soon! Holidays coming. Love you.

Goo said...

Thank you, much easier to read!

LIT said...

THANK YOU! MUCHAS GRACIAS! Or as ya'll say, MERCI! This is soooo much better.

Hope you're enjoying the snow. It's 85 outside right now and still rising.

Have you checked my blog lately? Wish I'd had you here for the cornucopia challenge.