Friday, October 19, 2007

I need to make a new post...someone give me something to post about...I'm bored and I like muffins, pickles and toast...yep-toast...mmmmm!

...sounds good!




Chillax said...

Tell us about your new tattoos.

jaz said...

Or your old ones.

Dagromm said...

You need to post some of your art. I for one would like to know what you draw.

jaz said...

Hear, hear! Your are it fantastic and we would all benefit from your sharing. Please indulge us.

Easel said... tattoos are all bunnies smoking big cigars...and i have one tatto of a piece of toast!
though, how do you post some of your own drawings? That might be a good post, but I'd need to get it on the computer first...

Goo said...

Have your dad introduce you to the scanner and then check out this website:

ecrussel said...

Hey remember the time we initially attempted to introduce the toast song into the talent show? Good times...
What should you post on? Rise to the occasion of All Hallow's Eve! (celebrated in Canada?)