Thursday, February 18, 2010


I haven't posted in so long.
I've been so busy, but I've also been very lazy.
Anyway. As you may know, Rake and I now have a new blog, so that'll hopefully prompt me to post more on my regular blog too as I'll be crossing its path often enough.
Anyway. Things have just been so emotionally draining for a while. Pretty much since my last post. Ups and downs with friends, family, school, and just myself.
But I suppose things are okay right now.
I've been SO incredibly tired recently though. I fell asleep at school the other day. And when I got home from school today, I took a nap and slept until 9pm. YIKES!
But anyway, recently I've been so busy with the children's play at school. We have 3 plays each year: The Fall show, which is usually kinda boring, and we usually have a cast of about up to 10 people. The Winter Children's play, which is really fun to do, and we have matinees and you get to exaggerate and play aorund a little more, which usually has a cast of about 15-20 people. And then there's the Spring Musical, which gets the most turnout, is probably the most fun, and has an average cast of 50+ people. (Cast not including company.)
So we were doing "Gold in the Bones," which is about pirates, and it was really fun, but a little more stressful, because we had an abnormally large cast for the children's show. But it was still great! We nicknamed it the "Golden Boner."
So that JUST ended, and now I'm free as a bird, and a little lonely.
That's pretty much all I can talk about right now because I'm SO tired.
So Easel OUT!


Goo said...

My heart stopped when I read "golden boner god". I was concerned you had converted. :)

Rake said...


So, where'd you come up with those numbers, Easel???

LIT said...

I don't like that you're so tired. Tell your mom it's time for a visit to the dr. and a blood test. Sounds like mono or anemia or something. Seriously!

Love you.

Rake said...

Or insomnia.