Tuesday, March 18, 2008

To all who don't know, My family and I are going to Illinois for 2 weeks, leaving in 2 days!!!!! I'm soooooo very excited and canbarely wait!!!!!!!! That is basically why I'm posting, because I have nothing else to say, but I know I can be posting on my events during the trip when I get back!! (and if you can't hint, I probably won't be posting while I'm there because I'll be very busy catching up with the people I've missed!!) But this is just a heads-up to let everyone know that a big post is coming up, and that I shall be absent for about two weeks, but not to worry- I'll be back soon!!!

Peace!!!! - Easel


LIT said...

Have a good time, and ya'll be careful out there.

Goo said...

Have fun! Travel safe!

Easel said...

oh- we will!!! i will have a very good time!!