Wednesday, September 19, 2007

What an interesting day!

Okay, this story is from yesterday...

Well, yesterday was interesting. We had school, a normal Tuesday, but it happened to be picture day. ( Actually here they say "piture"), but anyway, I got up at 5:15 like always, and washed my hair. That took about a half-hour. I got dressed and did my hair- but it was only after that that I realized it was picture day. Oh, Gosh! Well, I was too tired to, and I didn't want to pick out another outfit, so I kept on what I had.
I went to school after I finished getting ready, and everything was normal besides the picture taking. Our class's turn to get pictures taken was about 20 minutes before our lunch period. Having my last name start with a "W" didn't really help after all.
By the time they got to me, people had been eating lunch for about 5 minutes already, so I had like 40 people's eyes on me while I got photographed; and being camera shy didn't help that! So when I got to the photographer, I gave him my card and told him I wanted the colour grey for my background.
After like 3 minutes of him telling me how to position myself- (literally), he told me "to keep my back straight, but to lean forward, slightly," which didn't make any sense to me at all! So in my head I was like okay...ugh! I'll try my best... but it was just then when he took a picture of me thinking to myself ...being uncomfortable he took the picture of me portraying exactly that.
So, after that first blinding, he said to "actually smile" this time ...and I just thought well, I don't actually want to be here in the first place, and you could have some manners in telling me when you will take my picture.
So this time, half reading my mind, actually said "1,2, 3" and took the picture, but in a disgruntled under-tone; but luckily, I had just enough time to position myself as best I could within the one second he gave me in advance.
Other than that, school for the rest of the day was all good. After school, though I was to have my first rehearsal for the Halifax Youth Honour Choir, or HYHC.
Now, there was nothing wrong or inconvenient with this experience, it just wasn't what I had expected for that.
(Wow! This is getting long!). Anyway, we did a long variety of songs- a Japanese one, a German song, a French one, a Swing song, an Evening Prayer anthem, and a couple other ones. I basically thought it seemed like it would be fun and a good experience for me to try out- the music's a little different than I am used to, but it seems like I'd have a good time- and hopefully make some friends!
Keeping my hopes up! Faithfully for you,



Chillax said...

So, when do we get a copy of your picture. Oyster would love to hang it on the wall next to Hannah Montana.

Rake said...

Hahah, oh lordy lord.

Mmm, watcha say, oh what did she say!!

Goo said...

I want a piture too! I want one! I need photos for my cubi-cell at work. Please! Please!

polio said...

i've actually got some pictures to send to you, so i expect some in return!

Easel said...

My Picture will probably be the one I screwed up on! (Gosh! I hate pictures!)

jaz said...

Easel, I've seen some pretty awesome pics you have had taken. This will probably be better than you expect. And besides, you aren't supposed to like your school photos. Nobody does.

And definitely send one to Louisiana.

polio said...

it's true, nobody like their pictures. i always thought mine looked horrible, but then again i was the only kid in a bow tie.

plug said...

Goo, you work in a fabulous gothic landmark and you have a cubicle? Bleh.

Goo said...

I have a cubi-cell with windows that I can open to hear the carrillon and change ringers. The view overlooks the lawn behind the apse where we often take lunch. The office furniture which forms my monastic workstation is hideously ugly industrial grey-blue, thus "cubi-cell". However, other associates of mine have cubicles proper and one works in a fishbowl. Space is at a premium on the close.