Sunday, September 16, 2007

Life as a Canadian

As you all know, (or maybe you don't), I just moved to Canada and I miss Illinois like crazy! It's nice here, but it's just not Illinois! I know well enough that we will have a better life here, but I can't help thinking how it would be if we moved back. I know at least I'd more friends...but what's done is done! So I must now return to my sorrowful life as a Canadian...



Goo said...

Okay, Dorothy, so it ain't Kansas. On the other hand, your chances of meeting a good witch and doing a soft shoe with a scarecrow are greatly improved. Try and enjoy your time in Oz.

polio said...

Adios? do they speak spanish in canada now? i thought you took french!

Rake said...

No, Polio, she's just trying to be cool. But I agree that you just need to wait patiently and you'll make good friends.

I know I have to hang in there. I still cry sometimes, but I know a better time will come...